Elite companions for the passionate people and active business men who demand a high class service... Discover here the escort girls services which could be appropriate to you! for any accompaniments of great quality for many occasions. Discover also glamour hostesses of different categories with photographs original, complete descriptions and coordinated for a direct contact. We wish you to spend a pleasant moment at the time of your visit on our site.
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The best services and the most beautiful models for your greatest pleasures...
Name: | Cassi deeda |
Age: | 22 |
Nationality: | Romanian |
Ethnicity: | European (white) |
Looks: | Ultra Sexy |
Orientation: | Heterosexual |
Smoker: | No |
Height: | 5.6 (167 cm) |
Weight: | 106 lbs (48 kg) |
Measurement (Cup): | 91-72-92 |
Hair color: | Russet-red |
Eyes color: | Brown |
Tattoos: | Yes |
Piercings: | Yes |
Languages: | English |
Availability (when): | evenings and nights |
Available for: | Outcall |
Travels: | Local |
Phone: | +4 0785 333 004 |
Apps available: |
Email: | Send me email |
Website: | Visit my website |
Country: | Romania |
City: | Bucharest |
Zip code: | 20442 |
Address: | Sos nordului |
A Few Words About Me...
I have striking looks and a stunning body which make me the perfect companion for those clients who love to be the center of attention. I also know exactly how to treat my clients to ensure a truly exciting yet relaxing time and 100% satisfaction each and every time we meet.
My Services
Guide,massage,dinner-dates,hot companion
My Hours / Rates
170 eur up