Elite companions for the passionate people and active business men who demand a high class service... Discover here the escort girls services which could be appropriate to you! for any accompaniments of great quality for many occasions. Discover also glamour hostesses of different categories with photographs original, complete descriptions and coordinated for a direct contact. We wish you to spend a pleasant moment at the time of your visit on our site.
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The best services and the most beautiful models for your greatest pleasures...
Name: | Naomi |
Age: | 24 |
Nationality: | n/a |
Ethnicity: | Caucasian |
Looks: | Ultra Sexy |
Orientation: | Bisexual |
Smoker: | No |
Height: | 5.6 (168 cm) |
Weight: | 115 lbs (52 kg) |
Measurement (Cup): | C |
Hair color: | Brown |
Eyes color: | Green |
Tattoos: | n/a |
Piercings: | No |
Languages: | English, French, Italian |
Availability (when): | On Request |
Available for: | Outcall |
Travels: | Worldwide |
Phone: | +32471374828 |
Apps available: | |
Email: | Send me email |
Website: | Visit my website |
Country: | Monaco |
City: | Monaco |
Zip code: | n/a |
Address: | n/a |
A Few Words About Me...
Naomi is a passionate painter and piano player so it’s a given that she is great with her hands. She knows just where to touch you to turn you on. Her talents range from erotic massage to luscious lapdances and she loves an audience making her perfect for couples. Her slavic features make her appear innocent but she is playful and adventurous in the bedroom. Her hair is a blondy-brown shade that frames her face perfectly and her green eyes will leave you mesmerised. This bicurious beauty loves a steamy shower session and her passion for fitness means every inch of her is toned to perfection.
My Services
My Hours / Rates
1000€ for 2 hours
400€ per extra hour
2000€ for 6 hours
3000€ for overnight
4500€ for 24 hours
6500€ for 48 hours
2000€ per extra day